Split Yet Whole: A Bond Beyond Control

words from jj knight —

“My heart is so full to see you smile; My heart aches it may only be for awhile.”

Your body so broken,

Your spirit so bright.

My tear-stung eyes burning,

Arms ache to hold you tight.

You are a piece of me, born of my body.

I was your home, your peace, and security.

But once we were split–two parts of a whole–I lost all power, all sense of control.

Now, I'm just an onlooker, head in my helpless hands.

Praying, pleading, begging to understand.

I'm hollow where you should be.

Scared to hope, scared to dream.

My heart is so full to see you smile;

My heart aches it may only be for awhile.


the loss of my life


The Titles I Didn’t Ask For